6 Ways To Look 13 Years Younger In 30 Days

5 min readSep 12, 2022


To look younger is easy, just few things you need to do.

Though, you can't completely stop yourself from aging at all, because the more you age everyday, the more your skin also age.

But you can slow your aging process, to avoid looking older and wrinkly

Here are six daily habits to slow your aging process:

1. Cut out aging foods

The silent ager is poor food.

The kind of food you eat daily determine how old or young your skin will look.

You see, the present of the skin elasticity is what matters in this case

If the foods you eat don't promote elastin on your skin, but rather diminish it, you'll age faster

You should know the type of food you're eating, if it's the one that's getting you skin elastin or not.

If you're daily eating foods that are decreasing the elastin and collagen of your skin, you'll surely get wrinkles and fine lines.

That's why you shouldn't eat some kind of foods, because they really reduce your skin elasticity.

And the kinds of food that reduce the skin elasticity are:

  • Processed foods
  • Sugary foods
  • Dairy foods
  • Fats foods
  • Junk foods
  • Alcohol

All these food are really what's making you to look old

And cutting them down is extremely the best option.

If you can cut down or better still cut off these foods from your diet, your skin elasticity will start increasing and you'll start looking younger.

2. Reduce stress

Stress is another thing that reduce your skin elasticity

If you're engaging in too much stress, do look for time to have enough rest, else, you'll start wrinkling.

Whenever you're stressed up, your skin mainly get stressed up too, and the elastin on your skin is at greater risk at that time.

Know that the more you stress your body, the more you're likely to worn out your skin elasticity

So having enough rest is the only thing that can really restore back your skin to the right position.

Having said that, you can get better rest in...

  • Yoga
  • Relaxing
  • Meditating
  • Sleeping

If you started having adequate rest daily, you'll restore back your youthful look, and you won't age faster as you would.

3. Avoid the sun

The sun is your skin enemy. Beware of it!

Getting exposed to the sun daily, can forever ruin your skin, and make you to age rapidly.

There was this truck driver who drove truck for over 20 years

After he stopped driving, it is realized that his half face beside the window that did get exposed to the sun is more wrinkled than the one that wasn't beside the window.

This is to show you that you can get easily damaged by the sun, than anything else.

The sun don't wrinkle immediately, it damages gradually

The sun don't only wrinkle, it also causes fine lines sunburn, peeling, sunspots, and darkening.

So, if you don't avoid the sun at all cost, there's probability that you'll even get older than your actual age.

Notwithstanding, you can prevent the sun from endangering your skin by:

  • Always wearing sunscreen before leaving home
  • Putting on some sun protective items
  • Avoiding the sun as much as possible
  • Wearing protective clothing

Protecting your skin from the sun always is very important, so, to avoid further damages.

4. Apply vitamin C Serum topically

Vitamin C Serum is very effective in correcting wrinkledness and other sign of aging

Here are the benefits you'll get when you apply vitamin C Serum on your skin:

  • Your wrinkles and fine lines will fade away. Applying vitamin c serum on your skin will fade already existing wrinkles and fine lines. This will make you to have smooth and young looking skin
  • It prevent premature aging. Vitamin C Serum avoid premature aging, if you start applying before having wrinkles. It will make you to maintain a youthful look always, and firm your skin to avoid wrinkledness.
  • It protect against sun damages. Vitamin C Serum is a good protection against the sun if applied topically. You know, the sun damages the skin easily, but the application of vitamin C Serum will prevent those damages from occuring.
  • It boost collagen. The increase of your skin collagen and elastin also help to reduce the appearance of aging. If you do apply vitamin C Serum on your skin, there will be stimulation of more collagen, which will firm your skin and keep your skin plump out.

The use of vitamin C Serum on your skin is very important.

If you can apply vitamin C Serum on your skin you’ll continue looking younger.

5. Use retinol

Retinol is another topical product that prevent wrinkles and fine lines.

When you use products containing retinol or topical Retinoid specifically on your skin, more collagen and elastin will be produced that'll firm your skin and keep your skin plump out.

Also, retinol clears existing wrinkles and fine lines on the face, this will make you to get back you young youthful skin.

Having said that, retinol help to clear dark spots and remove dead skin cells from the skin

All these accumulations are factors that support aging, but, applying retinol will remove all of them from your skin.

Retinol reverses the skin aging, and definately make one to look younger.

6. Stay moisturized and hydrated

A fully hydrated skin is not always wrinkled.

If you want to look younger, stay hydrated.

When your skin is totally hydrated and moisturized, your skin will always look smooth and soft

Most reason you always have dry cracky skin is because you don't have enough moisturizer on your skin

Therefore, for you to get appropriate moisturizer and hydration on your skin, you need the following:

  • a. Use natural oil. Natural oil like jojoba oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil are moisturizing agent that can smooth your skin and fade off wrinkles from your skin
  • b. Use moisturizer. Moisturizer is a no-brainer product to stay hydrated. Moisturizer prevents skin dryness and reduce wrinkles. If you see you have much wrinkles on you, use a thicker moisturizer.
  • c. Drink water. Water is a known means of getting hydration. Drinking enough water daily will go some ways to support in providing hydration to your skin. With that, anytime you feel 1% thirsty, drink a cup of water to assure you're staying hydrated.

If you can avoid the first 3 first and apply the last 3 list to your routine, you’ll easily and quickly reverse your skin aging, and start looking younger in main time.






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