How To Glow Your Skin As A Back Man
Beauty hacks for black men
First off, let me ask you a question:
How do you feel when you see a handsome man?
Or let me explain it like this:
If you open your Instagram or Twitter app and you see those black charming guys, how do you feel?
You wish...
You wish you were like them
You wish to be adored like you do to them
You wish you have the opportunity they have
You wish to be so beautiful and cute like them
But, none of these wishes will ever come true. Read it again.
Wishing to be or look like one of those guys is never the way out, but, doing like what they did.
If you certainly want to get glowing skin, there are some important tips you need to know
And here they are:
How to make your skin glow as a black man
1. Wash your face daily with cleanser
Cleanser is a priority
Apart from, cleanser detoxify your pores from foreigners, toxins, and bacteria
Cleanser also clears your face from spots and some uneven darkening
You know, as a black man, it's somehow hard to see some stuck stains on your face because they rhyme with your skin color
Meanwhile, bar soap or your regular body wash may not remove them easily because they are not formulated for that
But, cleanser will thoroughly remove them.
That is the reason you should wash your face with cleanser: to completely remove those uneven darkening, and other unwanted toxins.
2. Moisturize your skin twice a day
The second thing to put in place is moisturizer.
Moisturizer moistens, hydrates, and ease the skin from breakout
Even with that, it also help to smoothen, soften, and prevent aging.
Moisturizer is what make you to have cool skin.
But, to have a total hydrating skin you should moisturize twice a day, in the morning and at night
In the morning to make you stay hydrated throughout the day, and at night, to keep you refreshed throughout the night.
This is so important, it's what'll balance your skin pH level.
So, always moisturize both day and night to keep your skin in a good condition that'll definately lead to glowing skin.
3. Apply vitamin C Serum daily
This is the main thing that make your skin to shine
Vitamin C Serum consist some properties that'll help your skin to plump out, make you to look young, and also smoothing your skin
Whenever you want to go out, after moisturizing, apply vitamin C Serum to make your skin shine
By the way, vitamin C Serum doesn't bleach, it only makes the skin to glow out by rejuvenating the skin.
It also helps to detoxify the skin, helps in the birth of new skin cells, and increase the skin collagen
All these effectiveness are what will make your skin to glow and make you to look beautiful
For a glowing skin-vitamin C Serum is a must.
4. Wear Sunscreen before going out for the day
Sunscreen is your skin protector.
The reason you're looking awfully dark is because you're having excess melanin
And the melanin is mostly cause by exposure to the sun
You need to stay away from the sun to avoid getting inappropriate melanin
Apart from that, another best way to prevent your skin from the sun is wearing sunscreen
Sunscreen protects the skin from the sun damages: damages like wrinkles, sunspots, sunburn, and awful darkening
All these damages are caused by getting exposed to the sun, especially the hot sun
And the weird part is that, you'll keep getting darker, darker, and darker till you look awful
You'll not realize it until you start staying away from the hot sun, plus wearing sunscreen daily
That you'll then see your skin becoming clearer, decreasing in melanin, and your real skin color start blooming out.
As a black skin man, you shouldn't need anything more to look beautiful and get glowing skin
Just follow the 4 simple tips, and your skin will glow out beautifully.